Clarice Cameron

clarice groupingMember since: 2009

Studied with: Alberta College of Art (1976 – 78), workshops at Red Deer College Summer Series with Jim Etzkorn (2014), Mira Matheson (2016) and Josh Deweese (2017). Workshops at Parkland Potters Guild with Connie Pike, Naburo Kubo, Tammy Parks-Legge and Dawn Candy.

Pottery style: Functional

Pottery available at: Crooked Pot Gallery

“Started in college to explore clay…but as life has it, things happen (love, marriage, kids). For the past 14 years I’ve worked my way back to clay. It feels good to create, explore, and have fun with this media! I love to make mugs, bowls, plates and much more.”

The best part of potting for Clarice is the finished product. Each year she pots, she feels she learns something different. Her color combinations and techniques have changed recently and she is using underglazes to enhance her pottery.

There is a community feel at the Guild, which Clarice loves and that is why this place has become her second home!